Correct, this image was not created by an engineer…
the message is that engineering is critical to sustainability in a world that depends absolutely on engineered systems.
OUR SERVICES: Helping you to identify the risks of business as usual, to discover the opportunities of real sustainability, and to navigate a path towards continuing to meet your customers’ needs within changing future constraints.
If you are unsure about what sustainability implies for your organisation, and how to actually achieve it, we will work with you, with your available budget and resources, to formulate a positive future vision and a strategy to achieve it.
An extended Workshop in which we will work with your key stakeholders, to help build trust and consensus in yoru sustainability team, to identify the real threats to the continuity of your business, and to discover business opportunities available when you answer the question “what changes can we make to allow us to continue to meet customer needs within changing future constraints?”.
Making the magic real. When we have helped you to plot a path of change that leads to the capacity to continue to meet customer needs, we will accompany you on the journey of change, and support the process of transition from the old business as usual that leads towards collapse, towards a new path towards sustainability and the capacity to continue.
The Life of a Teabag – Transition Engineering
A working group has been set up to explore the climate impacts of a teabag. Daniel Kenning explores how Transition Engineering would tackle this issue.